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Sunny Gault

Sunny GaultProfile Photo

Queen of Inspiration

Sunny is passionate about helping humanity. Not only does she have a blast hanging out with her friends on Underwired, but she also hopes the show will encourage others to share their powerful voice with the world! Sunny is the founder of Independent Podcast Network, where she helps podcasters launch, grow and monetize their shows. She's also the founder of New Mommy Media, a production company that creates podcasts and online communities for new moms and dads. Prior to podcasting, Sunny was an award-winning broadcast journalist, having worked at television and radio stations across the country. Her claim to fame is spending four years in college to get a "BS" in Journalism. Sunny is also part of United Network News, where she and field messengers from around the world are redefining the media landscape through honest, fair, and accurate real-world reporting. Sunny and her husband currently live in California with their four children, and the family goldendoodle, Sadie.

July 13, 2023

Service: Giving Generously, Out-of-the Ordinary Opportunities and Tak…

From volunteering to providing something as simple as a smile, find out why service to others is so important. Join Betsy, Lindsay, Shā and Sunny in this episode where they explore the correlation between those who choose to ...

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